Twelve months ago we realized that every 20 minutes a limb is amputated in the South Pacific. That is 30,000 amputations a year. The cause is Type 2 Diabetes. This is an entirely preventable disease but contributes to up to 80% of deaths. Even though the problem seemed to be out control, we believed that together we could fight it. Together we can turn the tide on type 2 diabetes.
We launched the 10,000 Toes Campaign, and you responded. You raised money through BBQs, concerts, silent auctions, fitness events, individual contributions, bread sales and so much more.
With your help, during the last 12 months we’ve raised over $200,000. You made possible over 10,000 health checks to people in the remote villages so they didn’t have to walk for days to get access to healthcare. Doctors and nurses provided clinical support through health assessments, blood pressure tests and measuring blood sugar levels.
With early diagnosis we are able to save limbs, enabling fathers to continue to provide for their families.
Health Education
We held 7 large scale health education events. Nearly 55,000 people received information on how to prevent type 2 diabetes.
Local facilitators were trained and given equipment to do community health checks. Children can continue to go to school instead of taking care of their parents. Alongside ADRA, we developed and tested the Live More Abundantly Lifestyle program. This equipped locals to prevent, arrest and reverse type 2 diabetes.
Mothers got their health back, giving them more energy to care for their kids. With your donations we provided an educational pathway for remote villages to learn more about nutrition and how to cook plant-based local food. This inspires them to live a better, happier life.
We formed the South Pacific Society of Lifestyle Medicine. This is to provide a platform to up-skill health professionals throughout the South Pacific. As a result of your donations, the 10,000 Toes Campaign has collaborated with different stakeholders. These include the World Health Organisation, local governments, health professionals, corporate entities and churches, extending the reach of our mission.
Goals for 2019
However, we still need to do more. Our dream for 2019 is to provide 2,000 villages with diagnostic kits for the early detection of Type 2 diabetes. With your support we can continue to train health professionals across the South Pacific to become certified by the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine.
We will intensify the Complete Health Improvement Program in PNG, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, Nauru, Tonga and Kiribati.
Thanks to your partnerships with local agencies and governments, we can now build wellness and lifestyle hubs. This means for the first time people on the northern coastline of PNG and the Solomon Islands will get access to preventative medicine.
Your generous donations will go to support those that need your help the most.
We’ve committed to stamp out diabetes in the South Pacific, and turn the tide on this pandemic, but we need your help.
Please join us in this mission.