Wellness Hubs and Zones in Fiji
During a visit to Fiji last week, we were delighted to see our Wellness Hub branding finally going up.
What is a Wellness Hub? It’s a place where the local community can meet to access health information, free health checks and join health events at no cost! In one area around Fulton University College, there is a Wellness Zone where several churches have created Wellness Hubs:
→ Sabeto Wellness Hub
→ Naboutini Wellness Hub
→ Fulton University College Wellness Hub
Thanks to our team and volunteers for helping us educate the locals on the importance of good health. We are making progress but need your support.
Find out more at www.10000toes.com/toes4all
“It was so exciting to see our first lot of branding going up… we have 45 wellness hubs that will shortly have their signs erected,”
said Pamela Townend, Campaign Co-ordinator.